• Yoga is an old discipline from India. It is both spiritual and physical. Yoga uses breathing techniques, exercise and meditation. It helps to improve health and happiness.
  • Yoga is a form of exercise that gives you everything: strength, endurance, balance, flexibility, and relaxation.
  • It is the only complete form of bodywork that does it all. Indeed, yoga is more than stretching and relaxation: it is the ultimate mind-body challenge.
  • Yoga helps in the removal of toxins from the body by proper regulation of the excretory system so that internal purification provides better and glowing skin from outside. It reduces the wrinkles on the face and also removes the dark circles around the eyes.

Important yoga words(ashtang yoga)


  • Yama: Positive Rules of meditations
  • Niyama: Prohibitory Rules of meditations
  • Asanas:Physical postures and movements
  • Pranayama: Breathing techniques
  • Pratyahara: Controlling the mind
  • Dharana: Gazing inward
  • Dhyana: Meditation with object
  • Samadhi: Meditation without object

Types of yoga


  • Classification based on mind and body.
    • Rajayoga: Raja yoga focuses on meditation and contemplation in order to fully realize the self.
    • Hathayoga: Hatha yoga is the practice of yoga postures, or asana, using the body as a vehicle for self-transformation.
  • Classification based on way of spiritual life.
    • Gyanyoga: It is a way of knowledge.
    • Karmayoga: It is a way of work.
    • Bhaktiyoga: It is a way of worship.
  • Classification based on a way of other things.
    • Swaryoga: Emphasizes the most on breathing.
    • Kriyayoga: Emphasizes the most on blending Karmayoga(Tapa), Gyanyoga (Swadhyay) and Bhaktiyoga (Ishwar Pranidhan).

In addition to giving you a fit body and a happy mind, yoga can be very beneficial for your hair and skin as well. With regular practice of even beginner-level yoga, you’ll notice its positive effects on your skin in no time. Just a 10-minute stretching technique can make your skin feel flushed and fresh. Having said that, we want you to turn things up a notch and introduce power yoga into your routine, which is proven to be especially good for your skin.

Power yoga focuses on using your body weight to build strength and when practised regularly, increases your heart rate. It is this intensity that is credited with benefiting your skin from within and these are some of the poses to help you get started.

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose)

A powerful standing pose, the Ardha Chandrasana has shown multiple benefits in relieving stress and indigestion. The side bend also improves your sense of balance and coordination. This, in turn, helps calm an overactive mind and keeps the gut healthy for the overall health of the skin.

Paripurna Navasana (Boat Pose)

An asana that you practice on your back, Paripurna Navasana is an invigorating pose that works out the abdomen area deeply. The pose stimulates your kidneys, thyroid glands and intestines, bringing fresh blood to these organs. This pose also happens to be an excellent core workout, flattening your tummy while beautifying you from the inside out.

Chaturanga Dandasana (Plank pose)

While it might look easy, plank poses (whether you are doing it as part of a yoga or simple mat routines at home) are extremely beneficial for your body. The asana takes planking further and challenges your body to hold the posture, strengthening your core and increasing your metabolism rate. A good metabolism rate is crucial to maintain skin health; it makes sure all those midnight snacks aren’t getting to your skin, and much more!

Utkatasana (Chair Pose)

As mentioned earlier, power yoga forces your body to push itself and bring cardio-like benefits to your system. The Utkatasana is extremely beneficial for your heart, boosting a fresh blood delivery throughout your body. If you want your skin to look healthy and plump, practice this pose regularly!

Salabhasana (Locust Pose)

All asanas performed on your stomach affect the skin in some form. Your abdominal organs are massaged while doing them and a happy gut is a key to healthy skin! The pose focuses on balancing your entire body weight on your abdomen, improving digestion and relieving constipation simultaneously. The internal detox process boosts skin glow from within and keeps it healthy!


  • Exercise is any bodily activity that enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness.
  • It is performed for various reasons, to aid growth and improve strength, preventing aging, developing muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, improving health and also for enjoyment. Many individuals choose to exercise outdoors where they can congregate in groups, socialize, and enhance well-being.


Physical exercises are generally grouped into three types, depending on the overall effect they have on the human body:

  • Aerobic exercise is any physical activity that uses large muscle groups and causes the body to use more oxygen than it would while resting. The goal of aerobic exercise is to increase cardiovascular endurance. Examples of aerobic exercise include running, cycling, swimming, brisk walking, skipping rope, rowing, hiking, dancing, playing tennis, continuous training, and long distance running.
  • Anaerobic exercise, which includes strength and resistance training, can firm, strengthen, and increase muscle mass, as well as improve bone density, balance, and coordination. Examples of strength exercises are push-ups, pull-ups, lunges, squats, bench press. Anaerobic exercise also includes weight training, functional training, eccentric training, interval training, sprinting, and high-intensity interval training which increase short-term muscle strength.
  • Flexibility exercises stretch and lengthen muscles. Activities such as stretching help to improve joint flexibility and keep muscles limber. The goal is to improve the range of motion which can reduce the chance of injury.

Physical exercise can also include training that focuses on accuracy, agility, power, and speed.
Types of exercise can also be classified as dynamic or static. ‘Dynamic’ exercises such as steady running, tend to produce a lowering of the diastolic blood pressure during exercise, due to the improved blood flow. Conversely, static exercise (such as weight-lifting) can cause the systolic pressure to rise significantly, albeit transiently, during the performance of the exercise.

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